5489.0 - International Merchandise Trade, Australia: Concepts, Sources and Methods, 2015  
ARCHIVED ISSUE Released at 11:30 AM (CANBERRA TIME) 11/11/2015   
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4.3 The DIBP is the federal authority responsible for the collection and management of export and import documentation. The documentation is used by the DIBP to assess and collect duty and other revenue payable on imported goods, and to monitor and control the physical movement of goods into, and out of, Australia.

4.4 For exports, a declaration must be lodged by exporters (or their agents) with the DIBP prior to, and up to six months before, the departure of the goods. In mid 2013, 99.7% of all export declarations were submitted electronically. Electronic cargo manifests are mandatory for each international voyage and flight.

4.5 For imports, a declaration must be lodged with, and cleared by the DIBP before access to the goods can be obtained. Import declarations may be lodged well in advance of the expected arrival of the goods. Over 99.5% of import declarations are reported electronically to the DIBP.

4.6 The system used by the DIBP to collect and process export and import information is known as the Integrated Cargo System (ICS). When a declaration is entered into the ICS a range of checks are applied to ensure that only valid codes for the commodity, country, port etc. are used and that all mandatory information has been entered. Warning messages are sent to alert exporters and importers (or their agents) of possible errors. The DIBP's checks are aimed at ensuring compliance with legislation in an environment of self-regulation and risk assessment. In practice, this means that while most declarations are processed without intervention, compliance is assured through the DIBP's legislative power to monitor and intercept cargo and to audit company records and practices. Where evidence of non-compliance with customs legislation is identified, compliance can be enforced by imposing sanctions or fines, or by prosecution.


4.7 Every day (including weekends and public holidays) the ICS produces a file that includes export declarations and manifests processed on the previous day and transmits the file to the ABS overnight. Table 4.1 lists the export data items received from the DIBP in the daily file. While some data items have been grouped in the table below, for example, quantity has been grouped with the unit of quantity, each item included in the grouping is listed in the description. In addition to the data listed below, the ABS also receives management information, to verify the full receipt of the DIBP data file. Appendix 5.1 in the 'Downloads' tab lists these data items and explains whether they are available in the ABS aggregate output.


DIBP exports data items(a)Description

Header - this information applied to all lines on an export consignment

Export Declaration Number (EDN)(b)A unique identifier assigned by the DIBP to identify an export declaration for each individual consignment of goods intended for export.
Status, version number and lodgement date(b)Information to indicate the status and version of the EDN (used by ABS and the DIBP to identify and process new, withdrawn or updated/changed export records). The lodgement date is the date the declaration is received by the DIBP.
Sender referenceA unique business-level reference number assigned by the organisation who lodged the EDN. Used by the ABS when querying the information reported to the DIBP.
Exporter and agent identificationInformation about the organisations that own and/or lodged the EDN (Australian Business Number (ABN) or Customs Client Identifier (CCID)).
Confirming export typeIndicates if the EDN is subject to confirming export arrangements, see Glossary.
Port of loadingThe United Nations Location Code (UN/Locode) of the Australian port where the goods will be loaded onto a vessel or aircraft for export.
Country of final destinationThe 2 character country code for the country of final destination.
Intended date of exportThe date the goods are intended to be exported.
Port of dischargeUN/Locode of the foreign port where the goods will be discharged from the vessel or aircraft. This is the first port or airport of discharge.
Mode of transportA code to indicate the method of transport, i.e. sea or air.
Export goods typeA code to indicate the type of goods being exported, i.e. stores, spares, postal goods, accompanied baggage, goods exported under their own power, other goods (any goods not included in previous categories).
Vessel or flight informationInformation to identify the vessel or aircraft (if applicable) transporting the goods.
Invoice currency codeA code to indicate the currency of the invoice, see paragraph 3.23 in Valuation.
FOB currency codeA code to indicate the currency of the FOB value, see paragraph 3.23 in Valuation and Appendix 4 in the 'Downloads' tab.
Total FOB valueThe total value of the goods in the consignment, including freight costs and other charges, at the point when the goods are loaded onto the vessel or aircraft for export.

EDN lines - information about the goods exported (consignment line information)

Line number(b)A unique number assigned by the DIBP to each line of cargo. This field together with the EDN identifies a single export transaction.
AHECC codeThe AHECC which applies to the goods being exported.
Goods origin codeThe code used to identify the Australian (or foreign) state of origin of goods.
Goods descriptionA free text field which describes the goods for export.
Quantity and the unit of quantityThe net quantity of the goods (excludes packaging) and the unit of quantity which applies to the AHECC.
Gross weight and the unit of gross weightThe gross weight (including packaging, but excluding the carrier's container etc.) of the goods and the unit of quantity used to measure the gross weight (grams, kilograms or tonnes).
FOB valueThe value of the goods including freight costs and other charges, at the point when the goods are loaded onto the vessel or aircraft for export.
Temporary import numberAn identifier provided by the ICS when the same goods were imported on a temporary basis.
Assay information For exports of some metalliferous ores, the element code, as in the Periodic Table, e.g. AU for Gold, its concentration in the ore and its unit of concentration.

Vessel or aircraft manifest header - this information is the same for all lines on the manifest

Manifest numberA unique number which identifies the manifest.
Port of departureThe UN/Locode of the port from which the goods left Australia.
Date of departureThe date the vessel or aircraft left Australia.
Airline code/Vessel idCode to indicate the airline or vessel used to transport the goods overseas.

Manifest lines

EDNsA list of EDNs included on the manifest.

(a) More information regarding this data is available in the DIBP Export Control Manual - Vol. 12 which can be accessed from the Export Declaration Documents page of the DIBP website.
(b) Where amendments or changes to earlier declarations are received these are identified using the combination of EDN and line number and status fields.


4.8 After midnight each day the ICS produces a file of import and clearance records which were finalised by the DIBP in the previous 24 hours. The file is transmitted to the ABS overnight. Table 4.2 lists the import data received daily from the DIBP. While some data items have been grouped in the table, for example, duty calculation fields, each item included in the grouping is listed in the description. Appendix 5.2 in the 'Downloads' tab lists these data items and explains whether they are available in the ABS aggregate output.


DIBP import data items(a)Description

Header - this information applies to all lines on an import consignment

Import Declaration Number (IDN)(b)A unique identifier assigned by the DIBP and used to identify an import declaration for each individual consignment of goods intended for import.
Broker/agent detailsInformation about the business lodging the declaration with the DIBP. The fields include a branch identifier for multi-state brokers, ABN or CCID and document owner type (importer or customs broker).
Broker/agent referenceA unique business-level reference number assigned by the organisation that lodged the IDN. Used by the ABS when querying the information reported to the DIBP.
Importer and reference detailsInformation about the importer (ABN or CCID) and their internal reference number so that they can identify the goods if queried by the DIBP or the ABS.
Vessel or flight informationInformation to identify the vessel or aircraft transporting the goods.
Mode of transportA code to indicate the method of transport, i.e. air, sea, post, other (e.g. hand carried by a passenger).
Custom document version numberA derived number to indicate the version number of the IDN.
Lodgement dateThe date of lodgement of the IDN (not the date of any amendments to the IDN).
Port of loadingThe UN/Locode for the place where the goods were loaded onto the aircraft or ship for transportation to Australia.
Date of arrivalThe date of arrival of the carrier at the first Australian port where any goods were, or will be, discharged.
Port of dischargeThe UN/Locode for the first Australian port where goods will be, or were, unloaded.
Destination port codeThe UN/Locode of the place in Australia where the goods are released from the DIBP control. This may or may not be the same as the port of discharge or the State of consumption.
Total customs value The total customs value for the consignment to the point of containerisation overseas on the ship or aircraft. The value sent to the ABS is in Australian dollars. Where the value is reported to the DIBP in a foreign currency it is converted to Australian dollars by the ICS using the exchange rate applicable on the date of export from the place of export, see paragraphs 3.16-3.18 in Valuation.
Total CIF valueThe total invoice value for the consignment including the cost of overseas transport and insurance to the point of arrival in Australia. The value sent to the ABS is in Australian dollars. Where the value is reported to the DIBP in a foreign currency it is converted to Australian dollars by the ICS using the exchange rate applicable on the date of export from the place of export.
Total FOB valueThe total value for the consignment including all costs (e.g. inland transport and insurance) relating to the goods until they reach the overseas place of export. The value sent to the ABS is in Australian dollars. Where the value is reported to the DIBP in a foreign currency it is converted to Australian dollars by the ICS using the exchange rate applicable on the date of export from the place of export.
Invoice currency codeA code to indicate the currency as shown on the invoice.
Gross weightTotal weight of goods in the consignment, including packaging. The gross weight unit is kilograms.

IDN lines - information about the goods imported (consignment line information)

Line number(b)A number for each import line in the import consignment. This field together with the IDN identifies a single import or clearance transaction.
Line action code(b)An action indicator for inserted, deleted or withdrawn lines.
Commodity classificationReceived as two fields from the DIBP (8 digit tariff classification number and 2 digit statistical code).
Goods descriptionA free text field which describes the goods for import.
Country of originThe 2 character code for the country in which the goods were made, produced, manufactured or otherwise originated.
Customs valueThe customs value for the goods included in the consignment line. The value sent to the ABS is in Australian dollars. Where the value is reported to the DIBP in a foreign currency it is converted to Australian dollars by the ICS using the exchange rate applicable on the date of export from the place of export, see paragraphs 3.16-3.18 in Valuation.
Line nature type (nature of entry)Indicates if the declaration is:
Nature 10 - goods imported directly into home consumption
Nature 20 - goods imported into a DIBP bonded warehouse
Nature 30 - goods cleared from a DIBP warehouse.
Quantity and unit of quantityThe net quantity of the goods (excluding packaging) and the unit of quantity which applies to the 10 digit tariff item.
Second quantity and unit of quantityWhere applicable this is the second net quantity of the goods (excluding packaging) and the second unit of quantity which applies to the 10 digit tariff item.
Duty calculation fieldsThe following fields are used in the calculation of duty: customs value, country of origin, tariff classification rate, duty calculation type, preference origin country code, preference scheme type, preference rule type, treatment code, instrument type, instrument number, quantity and second quantity.
Duty payment fieldsThese fields cover the value of duty paid. The fields received are: line customs value duty amount, line payable duty amount, line other duty factor duty amount, line quantity duty amount, line second quantity duty amount. The duty payment values are in Australian dollars.
Line duty deferred amountThe value of the duty deferred for later payment. The line duty deferred is in Australian dollars.
Dumping duty payment fieldsThe amounts of dumping duty paid (if applicable) in Australian dollars. This includes the line dumping duty amount and line countervailing duty amount.
GST fieldsIncludes a number of GST related fields: GST amendment amount, line payable GST amount, line deferred GST amount, line exempted GST amount, line exemption GST code and line standard GST amount. These amounts are in Australian dollars.

(a) More information regarding these data items is available in the DIBP Documentary Import Declaration Comprehensive Guide which can be accessed from the from Clearing goods through the border page of the DIBP website.
(b) Where amendments or changes to earlier declarations are received these are identified using the combination of line action code, IDN and line number.